Here at All Saints, we believe that our uniform is important as it plays a key role in:

  • promoting the ethos of our school
  • providing a sense of belonging and identity
  • setting an appropriate tone for education

Our uniform is as follows:

Y3 – Y6

  • Navy ‘V’ neck sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White buttoned shirt (short or long sleeves)
  • Grey trousers, skirt, dress or shorts
  • Dark shoes or boots (depending on the weather)

Nursery – Y2

  • Navy ‘v’ neck sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Light blue polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, skirt, dress or shorts
  • Dark shoes or boots (depending on the weather)

Pupils are allowed to wear PE kit on days where they are either going swimming or doing PE. Our kit is as follows:

  • White or light blue t-shirt
  • Navy shorts or jogging trousers
  • Trainers
  • Navy hoodie (crested options are available)

Swimming Kit

  • Swimming costume / trunks (not below the knee)
  • Towel
  • Swimming hat for ALL pupils

Please note that there is no expectation at all from the school that pupils will wear crested uniform; as a school we understand the financial implications that this can have. We also have a uniform bank at school for all to use. If you require any support with uniform, please contact the school office.

We follow the DfE guidance on uniforms.

To order uniform please email the school office ( to check for existing stock. Otherwise, follow this link to place orders:

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