Welcome to Hedgehogs Class!
Hedgehogs class is looked after by two teachers, Mrs Shaw and Mrs Rose. In the morning the class comprises of year one and two pupils working on core curriculum subjects. Year three then join them in the afternoon for topic lessons. All the staff working with the children ensure every child has the opportunity to grow and develop to enable them to achieve their full potential. There is a friendly atmosphere, enthusiastic learners and we encourage children to be an active part of our school community. We even have a class pet, a leopard gecko called Curly who likes to come out and say hello.
In Class 2, to help support our teaching of spelling, we set assignments on Spelling Shed on a Friday for Y2. Spelling Shed is a game-based tool that can be used at home to boost children’s confidence in spelling. Children enjoy playing the games and practise their spellings in a fun, interactive way. Your child has been given their login information and they can access Spelling Shed online here: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login. The website can be accessed using a computer, phone or tablet; as ever, please do carefully supervise your child when they use the internet.
In Year 2, we work through a one year programme which you can find below:
Spelling Shed Parent Guide
In Year One, spelling rules are taught through the Monster phonics programme. Throughout the programme, children learn to spell words by segmenting them into phonemes. Segmenting is breaking words down into individual sounds, effectively the opposite to blending. For example, shark we break down into 3 sounds sh-ar-k. Children will learn common spelling rules as set out in the KS1 spelling curriculum and the opportunity to learn to spell common exception words.
The importance of reading in Year 1and Year 2
Reading plays a crucial role in the development of pupils in Year 1 and Year 2, laying the foundation for their academic success and lifelong learning. At this stage, children are developing their fluency skills through the teaching of phonics. The skills they build during these years are essential for understanding texts, expanding their vocabulary, and deepening their comprehension of the world around them. Reading for pleasure has a high profile in our school and we actively encourage the children to explore the types of text that they enjoy and share with others. Children have the opportunity to choose a reading for pleasure book from our reading cabin each week.
Below you will find the books we will be reading in class and a suggested wider reading list :
Class 2 suggested reading
Our Class texts for our writing lessons in the Spring term are:
Why have these texts been chosen?
We strive to ensure our children have the opportunity to access a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts.
Amelia Earhart is an iconic person from history not only being the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean but also for setting many new world records. She was courageous and brave and a truly inspirational character.
Many children will be familiar with traditional and fairy tales growing up. There are numerous modern day stories which twist a familiar traditional tale and The Little Lady Who Cried Wolf is one of them. It combines traits of a well-known story, modern day ideas and humour allowing the children to use their own experiences and imagination to create their writing pieces.
We use White Rose Maths planning and resources to ensure that our maths lessons meet all national curriculum guidelines in a fun, inclusive and age-appropriate way. All our material is designed to support primary children as they have fun with maths, exploring everything from times tables and number bonds to money and multiplication.
Our topics for the Spring term are as follows:
See below for the some useful links:
Topmarks Education - lots of interactive maths games
Solving problems with length and height
In Class 2, the homework takes a number of different forms. We have weekly homework, which includes reading (at least three times a week), spellings (set on Spelling Shed) and Numbots (online number facts) or TTRockstars (online times tables). You can find the login details for each of these online platforms in the front of your child's reading diary. In addition to these weekly tasks, Class 2 also have a termly menu of homework tasks which are based on our topics each half term.
Please find Spring 1 homework below:
Class 2 Spring homework 2025
This afternoon we had a workshop over zoom from Anita who talked to us about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We watched some videos and saw some Victorian objects that Florence and Mary would have used.
In science we are learning about the human body. The children have enjoyed labelling parts of the body, looking at baby pictures and talking about the human life cycle. In our science lesson today we investigated the question: Does the oldest child in the school have the biggest feet?
The children enjoyed going around the different classes and measuring using blocks and cm. We were surprised with the results!
This week the children have enjoyed learning all about different types of mechanisms. They learnt about the importance of a pivot and the impact the position of the pivot has on the movement of the lever. Some of us even learnt about the difference between a fixed and loose pivot by exploring a lever and linkage. At the end of the topic the children created their own moving picture. Please see below for a slideshow of their work.
On Friday 6th December Class 2 had a visit from Alison who is from Youth Net. She went through the Christmas story and the children enjoyed dressing up as some of the characters and playing a number of games. Alison kindly gave all the children a book to take home with them entitled ‘The Night Before Christmas.’
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their art topic this term - 3D sculptures Making Birds. We have made observational drawings of different birds and their feathers as well as experimenting with different ways to manipulate paper
Class 2 Homework
We had the pleasure of welcoming Ame Austin Seven to our school as part of our History topic on transport in the past. Mr Cheadle came to speak to the children about his car that dates back to 1933. The children thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the car and honking the horn.
We were able to have lots of discussions about how the car worked and we identified lots of similarities and differences between it and modern cars.