Welcome to Owls Class!
Class 3 is made up of our Year 5 and Year 6 children in the mornings, taught by Miss Ashton. In the afternoon, Year 4 join the class and are taught by Mrs Cheers. We pride ourselves on our exciting curriculum and engaging learning experiences, which enables each of our amazing pupils to fulfil their unique potential.
If you would like to know anything else about our class, please contact Miss Ashton or Mrs Cheers.
The importance of reading in Year 5 and Year 6
Reading plays a crucial role in the development of pupils in Year 5 and Year 6, laying the foundation for their academic success and lifelong learning. At this stage, children are transitioning from learning to read to reading to learn. The skills they build during these years are essential for understanding complex texts, expanding their vocabulary, and deepening their comprehension of the world around them. Reading for pleasure has a high profile in our school and we actively encourage the children to explore the types of text that they enjoy and share with others.
Below you will find our reading curriculum for this academic year, in addition to wider reading recommendations:
Class 3 Reading Suggestions
My Year 5 Learning Journey – Writing
I can write for a range of purpose and audiences, making use of:
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Composition |
- paragraphs to show different information or events (time, place, topic, person).
- paragraphs that are developed using a main point, topic, event, idea with an explanation or extra detail.
- linked ideas within paragraphs.
- well-chosen detail to interest my reader.
- make use of expanded noun phrases.
- sub-headings for non-fiction paragraphs, where appropriate
- manage shifts in time and place effectively and guide the reader through my text.
- settings to create atmosphere and also indicate change.
- use ideas from my reading.
- sub-headings and bullet points to help guide the reader.
Grammar |
- the correct tense throughout my writing.
- a range of different sentence starters: -ed / -ing openers, adverbials, conjunctions, place (nearby, inside etc) manner (quick as a flash, with legs swinging in the air).
- A thesaurus for alternative word choices.
- similes, metaphors and personification.
- modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility.
- relative clauses beginning with who, where, when, whose, that or with an implied.
- changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
- the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause.
- words that are chosen deliberately for effect.
- colons to introduce a list.
- inverted commas and other punctuation to accurately indicate direct speech.
- commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity.
- brackets, dashes or commas for parenthesis.
Spelling |
Spell the following accurately:
- words ending –ent
- words ending –ence
- words ending –ant, -ance, -ancy
- words ending -ible
Spell the following accurately:
- words ending –able
- words ending –ibly and –ably
- words with ei and ie
- words containing -ough
Spell the following accurately:
Transcription |
- clearly joined handwriting.
- clearly joined handwriting.
I can write for a range of purpose and audiences, making use of:
Greater Depth |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Composition |
- consistent use of Standard English.
- a clear style, aimed at informing, persuading or entertaining.
- dialogue between my characters which develops the reader’s understanding of my characters.
- different levels of formality, which is beginning to be developed and controlled.
Grammar |
- carefully constructed paragraphs, which help guide the reader through the text.
- carefully and deliberately chosen words, which clarify meaning, enhance effect, increase / slow pace and create mood.
- expanded noun phrases and relative clauses to add information or detail appropriate to the purpose and audience.
- paragraphs which support my plot structure (in stories) and clearly signal changes in time, place and events.
- all elements of grammar are used independently and expertly in a range of texts.
Punctuation |
- commas used accurately to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity.
- brackets, dashes, commas for parenthesis.
- a colon or semi-colon to link separate clauses.
Spelling |
- accurate and secure spelling.
Transcription |
- fluent, legible handwriting.
- handwriting that is maintained to a high personalised standard.
My Year 6 Learning Journey – Writing
I can write for a range of purpose and audiences, making use of:
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Composition |
- paragraphs to organise ideas.
- a thesaurus to develop word understanding.
- describe settings and characters.
- some cohesive devices within and across sentences and paragraphs.
- précising longer passages.
- headings, bullet points and underlining.
- atmosphere and description of settings.
- integration of speech to develop character and move the action on.
- vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect the level of formality.
- the appropriate form, register, structure and layout.
- figurative language to add impact and develop meaning (metaphors, personification).
- narratives describe settings, characters and atmosphere.
- use a range of devices to aid cohesion within/across paragraphs
Grammar |
- the correct tense throughout my writing.
- modal verbs to suggest degrees of possibility.
- adverbs, prepositional phrases and expanded noun phrases to add detail.
- a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position in the sentence.
- the passive voice to emphasise information differently.
- correct subject-verb agreement (I was / We were).
- modal verbs and adverbs to develop an argument.
- a range of verb forms to create subtler meanings.
- vocabulary choices that are imaginative and words used precisely to create impact and add meaning.
- CL, FS accurately.
- Question marks.
- Exclamation marks.
- Commas for lists / clauses
- Apostrophe for contraction.
- commas for clarity
- parenthesis (brackets, commas, dashes).
- semi-colons
- colons
- dashes
- hyphens
- the range of punctuation taught at KS2
Spelling |
- spell silent letter words correctly
- spell –cious / -tious words
- spell words ending –cial / -tial
- add suffixes to words ending –fer
- plural nouns
- hyphenated words
- homophones
Transcription |
- legible joined handwriting.
- keep the legibility, fluency and speed in my handwriting going through extended work.
I can write effectively for a range of purpose and audiences, selecting the most appropriate form and drawing independently on what they have read as models for their own writing.
Greater Depth |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Composition |
- a clear voice, which is evident across the text.
- manipulation of the features of the text type to create specific effects.
- well-managed shifts in time.
- paragraphs to develop and expand ideas, themes and events in depth.
- well-managed shifts in formality through selecting vocabulary precisely and by manipulating grammatical structures.
- develop characterisation within narrative.
- manage the shifts in formality well, choosing the appropriate register
- select alternative vocabulary and grammar when the purpose and audience when necessary.
Grammar |
- a varied range of cohesive devices across and within paragraphs.
- select verb forms for meaning and effect.
- effective sentences, containing more than one clause and is used to elaborate and to convey complicated information clearly.
- passive voice to affect the presentation of information in both formal and information situations.
- a range of literary features such as: repetition, short sentences and figurative language to add impact.
Punctuation |
- correct punctuation (all of WTS and most of EXS).
- semi-colons to mark the boundaries between two independent clauses.
- colons to make the boundaries between two independent clauses.
- All punctuation is consistently accurate.
- Use punctuation to avoid ambiguity and enhance meaning.
Spelling |
- spelling that is mainly accurate throughout.
- good attempts at the spelling of ambitious vocabulary.
- spelling that is mainly accurate throughout.
- good attempts at the spelling of ambitious vocabulary.
- spelling that is mainly accurate throughout.
- good attempts at the spelling of ambitious vocabulary.
Transcription |
- fluent, legible handwriting.
- handwriting that is maintained to a high personalised standard.