Welcome to Otters Class!

The Otters Class (made up of our Year 3 and 4 pupils), work together every morning, covering the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.  They are taught by Mrs Cheers.

In the afternoon sessions, our Year 3 pupils join Years 1 and 2 with Mrs Shaw and Mrs Rose (Class 2).  Year 4 pupils join Years 5 and 6 with Mrs Cheers (Class 3).

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

In Class 2.5, to help support our teaching of spelling, we set assignments on Spelling Shed on a Friday for Y3 and Y4. Spelling Shed is a game-based tool that can be used at home to boost children’s confidence in spelling. Children enjoy playing the games and practise their spellings in a fun, interactive way. Your child has been given their login information and they can access Spelling Shed online here: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login. The website can be accessed using a computer, phone or tablet; as ever, please do carefully supervise your child when they use the internet.

In Year 3 and 4, we work through a two-year rolling programme which you can find below:

Spelling Shed Parent Guide

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings

Year 3/4 Reading Menu

This document outlines our Year 3/4 reading curriculum for this academic year.  It also offers some additional texts that your child might like to explore!

Year 3 Homework - Spring 1 2025


Year 4 Homework - Spring 1 2025

Setting Description Writing

Year 3 and 4 pupils have been reading 'The Dragon Snatcher' by M.P. Robertson.  This week, they looked at the different settings within the story and used all of their senses to describe a particular scene.  As they wrote, they listened to atmospheric music and used their special candles to help get them in the mood for this style of writing. They all worked really hard and produced some excellent pieces, using their neatest handwriting too.

Well done, everyone!


This Week's Science Learning...

Our exciting new Science topic is 'Magnets', which leads on nicely from last term's 'Forces' unit.  Pupils have been searching the classroom for objects that are magnetic and non-magnetic.  As part of their learning, they investigated putting North and North poles, South and South poles, and North and South poles together, to see what happened.  Afterwards, they talked about what they had learnt and tried hard to use their new scientific vocabulary.  Fantastic!

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