Statutory Assessment Overview

During the summer term of Year 1, all children will sit the National Phonics Screening Check.

At the end of KS1 and KS2, all children will sit the national curriculum tests (SATs) in May. The results of the tests at the end of Key Stage 1 are used to inform teacher assessment and it is only the teacher assessment that is reported. At Key Stage 2, the results of the tests are reports to parents and carers at the end of the year.

The tests will provide you with information regarding how your child is progressing. They are not qualifications and will not affect your child’s future options. The results are used to ensure that schools are teaching their children the essential knowledge and skills needed to fulfil their potential and be well-prepared for the next stage of their educational journey.

You can find further information about the SATs here.

All Saints CE Primary School Assessment Results 2023-24

Key Stage 2

8 in the cohort Working towards the standard Working at the standard or above Working at greater depth
Reading 25% 75% (74%) 13%
Progress *No progress measures this year.  
Writing 13% 87% (72%) 25%
Progress *No progress measures this year.  
Maths 13% 87% (73%) 13%
Progress *No progress measures this week.  
SPAG 13% 87% (72%) 25%
Combined: Reading, Writing, Maths   75% (61%)  


Key Stage 1

7 in the cohort Working towards the standard Working at the standard or above Working at greater depth
Reading 12%  88% (71%) 30% (23%)
Writing 50%  50% (63%) 0% (10%)
Maths 0%  100% (68%) 38% (16%)



  Did not reach the expected standard Expected standard
Year 1 (11 in cohort) 22% 73% (81%)
Year 2 (1 resit) 0% 100%


Early Years (Good Level of Development)

% of pupils achieving GLD (9 in cohort) 78% (67% in 2023)


Ofsted - Parent View






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