At All Saints, we think food is a really important part of the healthy lifestyle we aim to instil in our pupils.  

We believe eating is more than just ‘refuelling’, it should be an informal social situation where children work together, share responsibilities, and make new friends across the school. We are committed to working with you to make lunchtime better for your child, but at All Saints, lunch time will always be more to us than just food.  Particular attention is paid to healthy eating, trying new foods, social interaction, and table manners.

We aim to make lunchtime a happy, calm and social experience.  Children sit together, whether they take school lunches, or bring a packed lunch from home.  Our catering staff are friendly, approachable, and will work with you and your child to ensure they are able to choose something from the menu. Our menus change at least termly, and offer a nutritious and exciting meal, in line with Government guidelines.

For those children bringing packed lunches, we offer support and guidance to parents on healthy options and sugar swaps. 

School Lunches

Our cook and the catering team at TSSMAT work really hard to ensure we provide a healthy and balanced meal for your child. Children are supported to make healthy choices, but at the same time, we encourage independence, and for children to make their own decisions.  We work with your child's likes and dislikes as much as we are able. Please feel free to come in and discuss your child's lunch with us at any time.

Free School Meals

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following;

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit but not Working Tax Credit and the household income (as used by HMRC to assess tax credits) is not more that £16,190.
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • In receipt of the 4-week run on of working tax credit (this is where someone becomes unemployed or reduces their hours and so is no longer entitled to working tax credit but will continue to receive it for a further 4 weeks and is entitled to free meals during that time)
  • Universal credit

If you think you may be eligible and meet the criteria, please register online. (link below)

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