Our Ethos and Values

All Saints C.E. (C) Primary School & Nursery provides a christian, caring community where all individuals (children and adults) are respected and valued

The support of the staff and governors for its Christian foundation is reflected in the priority given to the spiritual development of all in the school community. Christian values are built into the ethos and teaching of the school. Children are welcome whatever their parents’ beliefs.

All Saints C.E. (C) Primary School & Nursery enjoys an attractive location and seeks to enhance and care for its environment.

The school works in close partnership with the Church, local schools and the wider community and so provides a focal point for the village and surrounding district.

All Saints C.E. (C) Primary School & Nursery is a co-educational Church of England School under the control of the Staffordshire County Council Education Committee.

We cater for pupils between the ages of 3 and 11 years (Nursery, Reception and Years 1 to Year 6).

Our Christian Values

Our school values are rooted in Christian values and the teachings of Jesus. They are evident in everything we do and underpin our curriculum drivers.

What our values mean to us:

Our Vision

At All Saints, we embrace Jesus’ parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’ as a representation our vision of 

Beginning, Becoming, Belonging, Believing

We strive to flourish together as we BEGIN our journey towards BECOMING wise, hopeful, dignified and peaceful individuals. We BELIEVE that Jesus’ parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’ represents our vision. We know that our children must make their own decisions and learn from them. We are always here to help our children and they know that they are surrounded by love. They BELONG to our school community and God’s family, who forgives them and shares in their joy.

Mission Statement

We are committed to creating a safe, welcoming, stimulating and challenging environment in which all the children develop a love of learning and strive to reach their full potential within a Christian caring community where individuals are respected and valued.

Our mission is driven by our vision and values and as such we are committed to providing a safe, welcoming, stimulating and challenging environment, where all children develop a love of learning, are able to flourish and fulfil their unique potential, within a caring Christian community, where individuals are respected and valued. Our distinctly Christian ethos threads throughout everyday school life and is demonstrated in the following ways:

  • nurture our children’s mental health and well-being so that they feel a sense of belonging.
  • model respectful relationships and behaviour that mirror our Christian character.
  • instil in our children an understanding of the responsibility they have towards their local, national and global communities.
  • Share in collective worship that will encompass our vision and Christian values.
  • give our children the confidence to persevere and have faith in themselves and their abilities.
  • teach an adventurous, rich curriculum that fosters a passion and curiosity for learning knowing that there is always more to discover.
  • deliver a PSHE and RSE curriculum that prepares our children for adulthood with the independence to become positive citizens that contribute to modern Britain and the global community.
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