Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

SENCO: Mrs Duffy

Email: senco@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk 

 At The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust Primary Schools, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.


What are Special educational needs?

A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.  A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England. Health care provision or social care provision which educates or trains a child or young person is to be treated as special educational provision.

More Information

This page is a statement of the aims, principles and strategies for provision for children with Special Educational Needs in The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust.

If you have concerns about any area of your child’s learning or social skills, please speak with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Our SENCO, Mrs Duffy, is also on hand to discuss any learning needs and strategies with you, by appointment via email. Miss Ashton is also available to discuss any concerns you may have. 


Our SEND policy and Information Report aims to:

  • Set out how our MAT will support and make provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in providing for pupils with SEN

Broad Aims

  • To give each child access to a broadly balanced National Curriculum at the appropriate level.
  • To maximise the potential for learning of all children; this may require positive discrimination in favour of some pupils.  Work may need to be differentiated in order to ensure a child’s access to the work.
  • To provide a stimulating, attractive and practical learning environment to allow pupils to derive maximum benefit from the whole curriculum.
  • To match teachers’ expectations of the child, with his/her current level of achievement.

Specific Aims

  • To identify Special Educational Needs as early as possible.
  • To record information, to inform initial discussion between class teachers, special needs co-ordinator and parents. 
  • To plan strategies for resolving difficulties.
  • To liaise with support agencies as appropriate.
  • To inform and involve directors.

SEND information report 2024

SEND statement & policy

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