Class 1 (Nursery & Reception): 8.45am - 3.15pm

Classes 2 & 3 (Years 1 to 6): 8.50am - 3.20pm

School day starts at 8:50am, and pupils will be in their classroom, ready to begin lessons at this time; therefore, pupils will be expected to be on the school site by 8:45am. Gates will be open from 8:30am and all children can wait on the playground until the bell is rang. Nursery to Year 4 children must be accompanied by an adult until the children have entered the school.

Gates closed at 8:50am – all children arriving after this time, must enter via the school office. Please be aware registers close at 9:10am and any child arriving between 8:50am & 9:10am will be marked as late. Any child arriving after 9:10am will receive an unauthorised absence mark within the register.

Pupils will have a morning break at 10:25am, which will last until 10:40am, and a lunch break at 12pm, which will last until 1pm.

In a typical week, this means children are in school for 32.5 hours per week.

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